Saturday, May 25, 2019

Whole30 Experiment

Day 25 of Whole30 Challange

WOWWWWW  What a ride.  25 days ago I joined my friend Amy, her husband Tom and my friend Deidre on the journey of a life time.  Yes me, non cooking, hate cooking, fast food eating, grub hub ordering, main line sugar junkie me.  Joining this elimination food plan craze was by far one of the best decisions of my life.  Here it is Day 25 and I'm still alive, JOYFUL, standing in AWE of my God and the process.  You'll have to come back Thursday (Day30) for the weight loss report.  But you're welcome to read on to experience the journey of discovery and freedom with me.

If I can figure it out, here is my post from my Day1 cooking the Whole30 way.  It explains alot.  And yes the kitchen was fairly clean and in order starting.

 Yeap it speaks for itself.  25 days later and I've turned the corner on this cooking thing.

 A week into program I had to put my ride or die side kick Pooh Bear down.  An extremely difficult decision but one that was necessary none the less.  She was 14, in pain, and exhibiting dementia including what looked like hallucinations that were provoking aggression.  My baby, I believe was miserable.  I miss her terribly.  

Interesting enough though a week later I found myself in non stop tears.  It felt like excessive grief.  The tears went beyond Pooh but unto to the lost of family members in 2018. The tears seemed non stop for about 4 days.  I was dressed and ready for church but then could not stop crying so I stayed home.  I first rescheduled a gym water work out then cancelled it all together.  I was really starting to think I was having a breakdown of some sort.
It wasn't until reading a FB post in the Whole30 group where someone expressed being depressed while on the program and looking for others feeling the same way that a light bulb went off.  I realized for the first time in decades I WAS NO LONGER EATING MY FEELINGS! 
Eating Whole30 with no sugar, fast food or fried foods meant I was eating for life not for emotions.  I have to say immediately things turned around.  Almost like scales falling from my eyes and my heart.  The later part of that week turned into some great laughs with my brother, followed by a great weekend in Charlotte including on program eating out and watching my baby girl graduate from college.

Day20, Monday morning in my first coaching session with Martha, she help me to see just how HUGE this victory was.  Think about it, my mom worked in a donut shop when I was a kid.  Food has been my BFF since middleschool.  There were times when we briefly parted but this seems, well IS very different. Later Monday, I got a call with a Job Offer.  This offer was based on a phone screen interview not a face2face.  This job encompasses all the parts of my career that I truly enjoy.  

I've been on cloud nine all week.  Planning in my head how to maintain program while back in the corporate working world.  Items on my 2019 vision board are becoming clearer and clearer and it is exciting.  This amazing rollar coaster ride will continue.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Day 7 - The Experiment

This week the Primary focus will be
Quiet Times (Bible Study, Prayer, and Meditation)
Reviewing My Vision
Job Search
STEP Mastery lessons – all about a sustainable system

We conquer those and the rest will follow.  The before (Day 4 post) and after (Day 6)  is:


I am grateful for a plan

I am grateful to have a support circle
I am grateful that great things are in the making. 

Day 6 - The Sequel

On Day 4 I took inventory of all the various character building projects currently in the works.  I am grateful for the input, feedback, suggestions, and encouragement received by my bloggers, manifesters, and powersheet(ers).   The process was quite revealing two of the three activities that I deem as priority were not being done at all.  Yeap, the priority task I believe would offer the greatest return.  Those were not being touched at all.  A third task second only to daily quiet times did not make the update consolidation list (detailed next).  Isn’t it odd that the task that offer the greatest value in the direction to the Life I would LOVE to live are the vary items not done.

Mary Morrissey calls these paradigms.  Romans 7:14-23 describes this struggle, “..For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.”(vs22,23)  I am learning to embrace the struggle, Mary calls it ‘Notice what you’re noticing’.

I am grateful that growth comes out of the struggle.  Remember the story of the butterfly.
I am grateful to do new experiments.
I am grateful that every day can be new year’s day, a new beginning, a new opportunity. 

To be Continued in Day 7.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Day 5 - Grateful for Input

This post was intended for Yesterday.

I am grateful for the cycles of life and the certainty of death.    Though completely humbling attending the funeral of my cousins daughter who was tragically taken in a car accident.  I'm not proud of the fact we never met.  It however does encourage me to forge family connections.

I am grateful for the advice and suggestions of this, STEP Mastery, and PowerSheets communities.  It is comforting to know I'm not alone in my crazy.

I am grateful for family.  We show up and love deeply.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Day 4 - The Problem

Well I figured it out.  I just may have taken on ONE to many of baby step, little by little, 2 week, 21 day, 30 day challenge.  Do you agree?

All beautiful experiments
Here’s what’s in this pic
  • Planner
  • Powersheet book
  • Tapping solution weight loss
  • KWIK reading 
  • Brave thinkers home work
  • Blue apron cooking
  • 40 bags 40 days 
  • Dream builder vision
  • Job search school
  • Job search leads interview notes 
  • Norwex new consultant start
  • Widely alive manifest money (2 weeks)
  • Blog challenge 
  • 90 day goals and habit tracker
And not pictured
  • STEP Mastery
  • QTs
  • 21 day meditation
  • FLY routines

Maybe maybe this is why I find myself falling short 
If not then (and I honestly think it’s doable ) just need a way a system to keep track 

Tomorrow after receipt of input and revisiting, I just may have a solution.

Day 3 - A MISS

Never did make it into my blog yesterday.  3April. 
Fell fast asleep on the couch with all the stuff instead.

Onto today.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

DAY 2, Challenge to BLOG

Blogging day 2 under a lil duress.  Is that a word?  I see these other blogs with cute pics and great paragraph spacing.  How the heck are they doing that.  I will too within these thirty days.  Funny how much I was avoiding this commitment today.  But yes, determined to prevail.
So staying with Gratitude.

I am proud of myself for completing my Manifest Money homework as well as having a great phone screen interview.  Could it be that next opportunity? Oh and what is this you're readying my Day 2 blog homework

I am grateful for steps in the right direction
I am grateful to not be in perfection but instead setting roots to progress
Last as today closes, I am grateful for those before me willing to teach, share, and guide.

Promise it will get better and better.  Yes shamelessly adding the ultimate cuteness.

Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fools Day, a Great day to START a blog.  So in the spirit of gratitude journaling and a desire to transition to journaling or rather blogging my way through a WW cook book I figure I would start where I'm at.  So where might that be.
Today Day 1 of a 30 day blog challenge.  Y'all are welcome to join in on the fun.  The link for more info will be at the bottom.
My primary goal in this phase of my blog is gratitude.  I will be sharing daily what I am grateful for, about, or to be.  No time like the present.

Today I'm grateful that as Lara Casey says ",,,there is no magic in January 1st", so today is my new day, my new chances at change, growth, and baby steps towards my goals.
I am grateful that God intervenes even if I don't want it, ONLY to realize it turned out to be the BEST thing for me.
I am grateful for those coaches, leaders, teachers, and bloggers, who have gone before me, who have created ways for me to make progress towards the Life I Love!.

Until tomorrow

Note:   Join me on this journey.  
Link to Information on this challenge! –