Tuesday, April 2, 2019

DAY 2, Challenge to BLOG

Blogging day 2 under a lil duress.  Is that a word?  I see these other blogs with cute pics and great paragraph spacing.  How the heck are they doing that.  I will too within these thirty days.  Funny how much I was avoiding this commitment today.  But yes, determined to prevail.
So staying with Gratitude.

I am proud of myself for completing my Manifest Money homework as well as having a great phone screen interview.  Could it be that next opportunity? Oh and what is this you're readying my Day 2 blog homework

I am grateful for steps in the right direction
I am grateful to not be in perfection but instead setting roots to progress
Last as today closes, I am grateful for those before me willing to teach, share, and guide.

Promise it will get better and better.  Yes shamelessly adding the ultimate cuteness.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Regina! You have inspired me to get my blog up and running. Thank you!
